Saturday, January 9, 2010

I am thankful for today

If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get. ~Frank A. Clark

Thank you Lord for things to come and blessings on the way.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Do Your Part

Small steps can make a big impact when it comes to conserving natural resources, using less energy and generating less pollution and waste. Learn how easy and economical it is to do your part and save some green at the same time.

Terri Bennett, do your part, green, environment, eco footprint, sustainable

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our Righteousness

Jehovah Tsidkenu is the name by which we are placed in right standing with God. He is "Our Righteousness." It is only through and by the blood of Jesus that we can be forgiven, enter boldly into God's presence, present our requests to Him, and expect to receive answers to our petitions.  As Jehovah Tsidkenu, God cleanses us from sin and adopts us into His family, which enables us to be seated with Him in heavenly places.

Present your requests to Him, and expect to receive. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Recovering Bulimic, Fasting

To individual with a history of bulimia, you should think twice about fasting even for religious resons.  The mind can be very strong and fasting may get you started again.  No religion wants you dead just to observe a fast.

How to Establish Eating Habits When Recovering From Bulimia
Bulimia creates a vicious cycle involving eating large amounts of food at one time (called binging) and then getting rid of the food (called purging, when food is regurgitated). When an individual regurgitates (vomits), a false sense of increased hunger is created by the body because the body recognizes the need for nutrition. In response to the increased feelings of hunger, the bulimic individual eats more food in the cycle. Breaking the cycle of binging and purging will take concerted efforts to establish new eating habits for those recovering from bulimia.

Establish Eating Habits When Recovering From Bulimia

Step 1  Create a full-exposure eating diary to keep track of when, where and what you eat every day. Write details down right after meals to make sure nothing is left out of the diary.

Step 2  Write out thoughts and feelings associated with each meal in the diary.

Step 3  Make special note of all bad eating habits, even those habits thought as bad. Be sure to include excesses in junk food, candy, fasting and purging.

Step 4  Review the notes in the diary after 1 week of taking notes. Look for any tendencies and habits displayed during the week.

Step 5  Choose one area to focus on changing for the next week that can be done without too much difficulty. You are looking for an easy win in the next week to establish some momentum. Try substituting a candy bar with an orange or apple or other healthy snack.

Step 6   Write the new habit on each page of the diary dedicated to the next week to remind yourself of the goal.

Step 7  Continue writing everything down in the journal for the second week and make special note of when you successfully meet the new goal of using a good eating habit.

Step 8   Review the second week of eating and look for trends as you did with the first week's notes. Congratulate yourself on reaching the goal established after the first week.

Step 9   Set a new goal for the third week and continue the process of changing one habit at a time until new and healthier eating habits develop.

eHow contributing writer.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nutritional Program for Fasting

Conditions for which Fasting May Be Beneficial
colds                                     atherosclerosis
flus                                        coronary artery disease
bronchitis                              angina pectoris
headaches                             hypertension
constipation                          diabetes
indigestion                             fever
diarrhea                                 fatigue
food allergies                         back pains
environmental allergies           mental illness
asthma                                  obesity
insomnia                                cancer
skin conditions                       epilepsy
Some Benefits of Fasting
Purification                            More energy
Rejuvenation                         Better sleep
Revitalization                         More relaxation
Rest for digestive organs        Better attitude
Clearer skin                           More clarity, mentally
Antiaging effects                    and emotionally
Improved senses—vision,      Inspiration
hearing, taste                         Creativity
Reduction of allergies             New ideas
Weight loss                           Clearer planning
Drug detoxification                Change of habits
Better resistance to disease    Diet changes
Spiritual awareness                Right use of will
Contraindications for Fasting
Underweight                          Pregnancy
Fatigue                                  Nursing
Alkaline type                         Pre- and postsurgery
Low immunity                        Mental illness
Weak heart                           Cancer
Low blood pressure               Peptic ulcers
Cardiac arrhythmias               Nutritional deficiencies
Cold weather

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Primary Purpose of Fasting

Fasting as define is voluntarily abstaining from food for spiritual purposes.  Primarily, the purpose of fasting is self-humbling. It is a scriptural means ordained by God for us to humble ourselves. Throughout the Bible God requires His people to humble themselves before Him.  Many different passages of scripture emphasize this.  Matthew 18:4, Matthew 23:12, James 4:10 and 1 Peter 5:6. One important feature of all these Scriptures is that the responsibility to humble ourselves is placed upon us. We cannot transfer that responsibility to God.  To pray, "God make me humble," is unscriptural, because the reply of God in Scripture is always, "Humble yourself."
" I humbled my soul with fasting..."
(Psalm 35:13)
The essential nature of fasting is renouncing the natural to invoke the supernatural.  The most natural thing for us to do is to eat.  When we give up eating, we are deliberately turning away from the natural by turning to God and to the supernatural. This has a deep significance.  Luke 4:1-2.
To all who are doing the first of the year fasting, happy fasting.  Praying for Spiritual Breakthrough.
The Daniel Fast for Spiritual Breakthrough

Thank You Sitka