Monday, November 16, 2009

Destined For Relationship

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God...
John 1:12

I am not sure about God being lonely, but here in The Creation Johnson attempts to describe the blackness before God created light. The words he uses describe the darkness, the hopelessness of life without Christ.
God created physical light by setting the sun in our sky. But creating spiritual light required more than His creativity, it demanded His sacrifice. And here is where his Son comes in.
By sending His Son, Jesus, God the Father gave us spiritual light. He showed that He was willing to give himself. We no longer have to live apart from Him. We each can accept His Son.
We believe the fact that He died for our sins, and we enter a loving, personal relationship with our true Savior.
It is amazing that we can know Him. It is even more amazing that a relationship with God is the destiny of everyone who turns his or her spirit over to Jesus Christ.
As sons and daughters we are now full heirs to the family fortune and estate: Romans 8:17
Designed for relationship with God, destined to sonship in His Son, Jesus. Accepting Him is the first step in the first strategy to becoming an overcomer. It is where all life begins where eternity begins.
The struggles you and I have are not eternal, but our life in Christ is.

Question for thought:
How do sons and daughters of God approach problems differently than those who have no relationship with him?

1 comment:

  1. We approach a loving Heavenly Father for answers to life's greatest problems.

    Great post. Blessings, andrea


Thank You Sitka